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This Year...

Often times, people will abused and manipulate things to get what they want. But this year is different. This is the year of Restoration.
You tried to work it out yourself. He says now its time for you to take your hands off and allow Him to do what it is that needs to be done in your life.
He says now in the seventh year which is God’s number, He says it’s time for you to sit back and allow Him to take care of it. Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 
“Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Don’t get discouraged and tired of doing good. Don’t get tired of praying. Don’t get tired of coming out to worship and Bible class. Don’t get tired of being good. God says He knows it’s been hard for you, He knows what you have been going through. Don’t give up on Him.

He says, don’t be weary. No retreating in fighting the good fight of faith. Never give up till you get to the finish line. I believed, God is telling us today, that if we just hold on a little while longer, “in due season”we shall reap the rewards that God has promised to those who believe. And that season to get what's due to you is now in other words we shall gather, collect, obtain and acquire IF we faint not, if we don’t relax, if we don’t quit.  It’s your season to get what’s due you. Galatians 6:13A