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The humble man does not seek honor, but by his life and action unconsciously attains it
 This might be exemplified in particular people of pride; who will be humbled and brought low in the midst of his pride and boasting. "God is opposed to the Proud, but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6)

 But honor shall uphold the humble in spirit; not who are humble in appearance only, but really in their hearts; who does not seek attention to themselves, but rather in humility before God. Whose spirits are humble and contrite; who are so in spiritual things, and are made so by the Spirit of God, who submit to the righteousness of Christ, and give all the glory of salvation to the grace of God.

My Prayer:

Father, I come before you in humility, as I ask you to perfect your love in me. Forgive me, Lord,  from all my sins and all my unrighteousness. As I continue to seek your wisdom and grace upon my life, by the power and guidance of your Holy Spirit. 

Lord, please help me to focus outwardly in love that will lead to selflessness,who doesn't seek its own,  because humility in itself is a direct result of true love, --genuine humility which is a byproduct of your love. 

I know that I am nothing without you, Lord. Please help me see things through the eyes of your grace, to love you more, to love you with all my heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Pride goeth..

 Nothing is more needful to true godliness than a contrite heart, which means, broken off from every self-confidence, it meant something far deeper than this when Jesus told His disciples to carry their cross. He said to them, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). In its depth, Broken hearted are emotionally and mentally beat,-  bruised, Crushed and destroyed.

What I'm saying is that, one who has a broken and contrite heart is the one who is completely in control by God. In other words, He is completely yielded mind, body, heart and soul to the almighty and loving will of God.

Nothing can encourage as such, but only the free, rich grace of the gospel of Christ Jesus.
 The believers are taken under the special protection of the Lord, yet we all have our own share of crosses in this world, and there are even those that hate them. From the mercy of Heaven, and the malice of hell, the afflictions of the believers are many. But whatever troubles befall them, shall not hurt their souls, for God keeps them from troubles. 

The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken hearted,  He "dwells with" them, "looks to them, .... revives their heart, and He binds their wounds and "saves" them. 
Because to follow Christ will also mean, we also have to carry our cross.

“Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27)

There is also great assurance in knowing that, with God's aid, we can be overcomers, more than conquerors.
Jesus never promised us that life as a believers would be easy. But  He only promised that it would be rewarding. The Christian life is not a comfortable life, but it is a fulfilling one. Truly, God is good!

Broken Hearted

The peace of God, the comfortable sense of being reconciled to God, and having a part in his favor, the heavenly blessedness, the hope are a greater good that can be fully expressed. This peace will keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus; it will keep us from sinning even when trouble comes. As it keeps us to stay calm and with inward peace. However, the moment we focus ourselves in our surroundings, like Peter we can easily sink. But thank God that Jesus Christ is our Prince of peace, The way to have the God of peace with us, is to keep Him close to our hearts.
 The mercy, love and salvation from God is all our privileges that can be enjoyed through our sincere heart.
 Be careful for nothing. And to keep ourselves free, as far as may be, from worldly anxieties. "
God is telling you that He truly cares for you. In everything give thanks, despite difficulties we faced in life. Our prayer should always be with thanksgiving just like Paul himself is an example of constant thanksgiving and we are encouraged to make them known before God.

Aren't we sometimes ready to fear that God's designs are all against us; resolutions of his heart concerning the welfare of his own people, even that which seems evil to us, is for good. He will not give the expectations of our fears, or the expectations of our fancies, but the expectations of our faith in Christ Jesus; the end he has promised, which will be the best for you and me.

When the Lord pours out the spirit of prayer, it is a good sign that he is coming toward us in mercy and grace. Promises are given to quicken and encourage prayer for we do not seek Him in vain. The reason has always been given to us if we are listening as it justifies the eternal ruin of hardened, remorseless sinners; He is telling us "Because they have not hearkened to my words; I called, but they refused."

My purpose is towards you - a purpose of restoring to you "peace" and prosperity, a future and hope. A hopeful future to those who hearken His voice.

The Lord Has Plans For Your Life

Those who see their need of Christ, and are desirous of righteousness and life in him, He fills with good things, with the best things; and they are abundantly satisfied with the blessings He gives. Only God can satisfy the desires of the poor in spirit who long for spiritual blessings. Blessed is she that believes.

Today's Bible Verse

God wants us to make His rule our rule as we meditate in His words day in and day out.
Joshua must himself be under command; no man's dignity sets him above the law of God. He is to encourage himself with the promise and presence of God's love in his heart. Let not the sense of thine own infirmities dishearten thee; For God indeed is all-sufficient. When we are in Christ, we have reason to be strong and be very bold. Praise God for His enduring love for me and mankind, though I may not deserved it, yet He loved me anyway.
For what did we believe in Christ? Was it not that we might be justified by the faith of Christ?

My prayer;

Dear Lord,
I praise and worship you for your goodness and grace, though we may be weak but you are strong.  I placed my trust in you. I know its only through your grace that we can walk in your righteousness. I entrust everything to you, Father,  because whatever situations may come along, all I know is, I am sealed by the blood of Jesus! Thank you for your love and grace that abounds. In Jesus name!

Bible Verses Everyday

It" time to let go..

Love is not how you..